Yong Va makes and sells rice cakes, thanks to a loan from our partner Salvation Centre Cambodia.
CAFOD has been working in Cambodia since 1980 and continues to support poor and vulnerable communities through helping people living with HIV and AIDS, supporting communities to access land titles and supporting women to become involved in local government.
Why CAFOD works in Cambodia
Almost a third of Cambodia’s 14 million people live on less than half a US dollar a day. Spiraling inflation has caused sharp rises in the cost of food, and property investors have forced many poor communities from their homes and land, leaving them with no way to grow food or make a living. Healthcare services and education are inadequate and Cambodia depends greatly on overseas aid. Although Cambodia is rich in natural resources such as oil, gas and timber, exploitation of these is devastating the environment, and widening the gap between the rich and the poor.
Our work in Cambodia
CAFOD has been working in Cambodia since 1980 and continues to support poor and vulnerable communities through:
Increasing the voice of the poorest in decision making and influencing social change
Supporting rural communities, including indigenous people, to protect and manage their forests and to increase food supply and income through sustainable farming for better livelihoods.
Supporting rural communities to improve their access to water supplies, sanitation and hygiene facilities and behaviours.