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CAFOD's local Church partners in Turkey have provided Syrian refugee children with places to play, relax and feel safe again.

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Turkey-Syria Earthquake

Thank you to everyone who has donated and supported our Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal. This appeal is now closed; however, we continue to support people affected by both the ongoing civil war and aftermath of the earthquake in Syria.

Your donations have enabled our local partners to respond quickly and reach thousands of people with emergency assistance and the tools to start rebuilding their lives.

What did CAFOD's response look like in Turkey before the earthquake?

Over 1 million children have fled Syria as refugees – more than the total number of children in Catholic schools in England and Wales. Our local Church partners in Turkey have provided Syrian refugee children with places to play, relax and feel safe again.

“The war has stolen the smiles of children: their joy, their laughter, and their happiness,” explains Malek, a Syrian refugee, who volunteers with children who have also fled the conflict. “When someone is only surviving, without all those things they need to have a decent and good life, they die inside.”

Read more about our response to the Syria crisis

"Children who used to feel safe in their homes and schools have lost everything. Some have been  injured, others have seen their parents killed or arrested. Most have heard planes circling, tanks rolling by, and machine guns going off.

"I know from my work with young children that they cope with difficult situations differently from adults.

"They rarely talk about the way they feel or tell stories like the ones I’ve heard from older refugees. They show their feelings through the way they act. Some are withdrawn and quiet, others are angry and aggressive.

"Some draw pictures showing what is on their mind. Over the last year, I’ve been helping set up safe, supportive environments where children can express their feelings and start the long process of recovering a sense of normality."

With your support, we are helping children affected by the Syria crisis to be children again.