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Well done on all your fundraising! Whether you have been fundraising on your own, as a parish or in a school, it's quick and easy to pay in money through our website.


Lent Family Fast Day

Your fundraising this Lent can help families around the world like Lokho's to rebuild their lives and prepare for a brighter future.

Pay in fundraising to support our work around the world

You can help families fleeing conflict, parents fighting climate change and communities overcoming poverty together. Your donation will get to work quickly, around the world, wherever the need is greatest.

Other ways to pay in your fundraising

Call us on 0303 303 3030 and make a card payment over the phone with our Supporter Care team.

Send us a cheque made payable to ‘CAFOD’ to CAFOD, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Road, SE1 7JB.

Please do not send cash in the post – we don’t want your vital donations to get lost!

Please do include the name of your school, parish, group or organisation.

Account name: CAFOD 
Account number: 11769410 
Sort Code: 16-00-30 
Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland

Please include the name of your school, parish, group or organisation as the payment reference.

Please also send an email to confirming the amount, date of remittance and reason for donation (eg Lent Family Fast Day).

Fundraising for events, special occasions and in memory