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Unlock your fundraising potential with our top 10 essential tips! Whether you're a seasoned fundraiser or just starting out, these tips will help you make a real impact.

1. Set up your fundraising page

Creating an online fundraising page is simple, free and secure. Choose platforms like JustGiving or Wonderful to set up your page, where all donations will automatically reach CAFOD.

Think of your page as a personal fundraising blog. The more unique and engaging it is, the more likely people are to donate.

2. Add a picture of yourself

Make your fundraising page stand out by adding a personal touch. Include a photo of yourself, as pages with pictures can see a 14% increase in donations.

3. Share your story

Explain why you're fundraising for CAFOD - personal stories can boost your fundraising by up to 65%!

4. Be the first to donate

Kick things off by donating first. It's a great way to show commitment to your fundraising and can inspire others to give too.

World Gifts 2023

5. Aim high with your target

Aim high and keep the momentum going by setting an inspiring goal! A bold target not only keeps you motivated but also brings your friends, family and parish on board.

Dive into our World Gifts and see how your fundraising can create real change. Choose a goal that gets everyone excited and ready to make a difference!

6. Get social

Promote your fundraising page across all your social media, such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram. Ask your friends and family to share it too, as well as asking your parish to publish your fundraising page on their website and social media.

7. Don't forget offline promotion!

Word of mouth is still an effective way to promote your fundraising. Use a sponsorship form to collect cash donations.

Create a QR code for your fundraising page

You can also generate a QR code for your fundraising page.

Just add '/qrcode' to the end of your URL and print it on posters to display at your parish or workplace.

Visit JustGiving for more guidance

8. Send personalised messages

Reach out to potential donors with personal messages. These are much more effective than generic, non-personalised messages. Let them know why their support is crucial and how it makes a difference.

9. Show your appreciation

After the donations roll in, make sure to say thank you to everyone who supported you. A little gratitude goes a long way and keeps your supporters in the loop about your progress.

10. Keep updating your page

Regularly update your page with news, photos and updates on your progress. Keeping your page up-to-date helps to encourage more donations.

Our A-Z of fundraising ideas

Our A-Z of fundraising ideas

Our fundraising ideas include fun and quirky ways to raise money and can be done online, at home, with family and friends, or on your own.

Parish fundraising

Parish fundraising

Join together as a parish to fundraise and help build a world free from hunger.