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Talaso, in northern Kenya, is worried about how she will feed her newborn baby after almost all her livestock died in a devastating drought.

Right now, up to 20 million people across Kenya, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia are fighting for survival in the face of the most devastating food crisis in decades.

The worst drought in 40 years

Talaso is a young mum living in northern Kenya. She and her husband used to live comfortably – until the drought killed almost all the animals she relied on to earn a living. So when she gave birth to her second son, Ali, just a few months ago, she found it hard to cope.

Talaso’s neighbours shared their food and water. They always help each other in times of need. But this drought has gone on so long, soon nobody will have anything left to give.

It is very distressing to be unable to feed your children. When they feel hungry, they cry. When they get thirsty, they cry. And as a mother, when you don't have anything to give them, that's the most distressing thing of all.
