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Start a monthly gift today

Start a monthly gift today

With your support, together we can build a kinder, fairer and more loving world.

Donate now

Do you believe in a world where no one should be beyond the reach of the love and support they need to thrive?

By starting a regular gift to CAFOD, you are standing with us in hope and love as our local experts work with communities across the world respond to challenges. When you set up a regular gift, we will send you updates about how your long-term support is helping communities build futures that they can look forward to - for themselves and their children.

More ways you can give monthly…

Emergency Response Team

Emergency Response Team

Earthquakes, conflict, floods and droughts devastate lives. But with you in our team, we can provide a fast emergency response.

Hands On

Hands On

Join Hands On and you will journey with a community over 2 years, hearing directly from them how your donations are making a difference.

Payroll giving

Payroll giving

Payroll giving is a simple way for you to give to charity through your pay packet.