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Türkiye-Syria Earthquake: An update on our response one year on

5 February 2024
Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

CAFOD local experts responding to the aftermath of 6.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Syria in February 2023.

Thank you to everyone who has donated and supported the CAFOD Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Your donations have enabled our local partners to respond quickly and reach thousands of people with emergency assistance and the tools to start rebuilding their lives. 

What happened in Turkey and Syria?

In the early hours of Monday 6 February 2023, a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck near the border of Türkiye (Turkey) with northern Syria, followed by a second quake.

The impact was extreme, with over 53,000 people losing their lives and thousands more becoming homeless overnight as homes and buildings were destroyed.  

On 6 February at 4:15 in the morning we were sleeping: me, my wife and our two sons. A strong earthquake awakened us. We were very scared. We saw bricks falling and walls cracking. To be honest, I felt it was the end of my life.

Humanitarian aid worker in Syria

Alia (name changed to protect identity), a humanitarian aid worker with CAFOD's local partner in Syria, recalls the horrific events of 6 February 2023 and the response to date.

How your donations continue to make a difference

Syria earthquake response - water distribution

CAFOD local partners in Syria distributing essentials including food, water, mattresses and bedding to those who lost everything in the earthquake.