Laudato Si' explained
We’ve created a Q&A that includes an encyclical definition and a look at what Pope Francis’ encyclical means for the world we hope to see.
The Vatican released the new Apostolic Exhortation by Pope Francis, Laudate Deum, on 4 October. It has been called a follow up to Laudato Si’.
Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical Laudato Si' remains a profound invitation to everyone on the planet to care for our common home.
Find resources to reflect and respond to Laudato Si' in the light of your faith, including prayers, liturgies, a study guide and ideas for practical action, relating to climate change, the environment and sustainable development.
We’ve created a Q&A that includes an encyclical definition and a look at what Pope Francis’ encyclical means for the world we hope to see.
Resources for primary schools and secondary schools on Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si.
Pray for God's gift of creation, all people and creatures.
Reflect and respond to the Laudato Si' encyclical with our study guide, either in an online group or by yourself.
The global food system is broken. It doesn’t work for those who work the hardest – small farmers – and it’s a major driver of the climate emergency.
The LiveSimply award enables you to strengthen the bonds of community in your parish or your school.
Learn more about CAFOD's policy and research papers on climate and the environment.
Download this meditation in praise of Mary based on Pope Francis' words in Laudato Si'
A PowerPoint reflection taken from the closing passage of Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si'.
We pray that our eyes may be open to the pain of creation, so that together we may care for all that God has made.
A prayer inspired by the Salve Regina, asking Our Lady to help us to look with wisdom on the earth, our common home.