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1 April

Khera tends to her chickens

Everything will live where the river goes. And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food.

Ezekiel 47:9, 12

Today’s readings talk about water. Ezekiel is shown the river flowing out from the Temple, bringing life to all in its path. In the gospel, a man waits by the sacred pool for healing, which is given to him by Jesus, the living water.

Water is the source of life. During the long drought in Kenya, Khera walked for seven hours to find water.

“To get water there’s a place I would go, around a big red and brown rock. I trekked for almost seven hours carrying a carton on my back. I could only afford to go there once a week… I carried from 20 to 120 litres… It was very hard. I felt so exhausted, I started to get sick. The sun was scorching, burning. I had pain in my legs and my back. But in the drought season, that is what we had to do.”

Khera’s fear is that the drought will come again, but since she has joined in with other women farmers, she has more hope for the future. The Glitter Group, so called because they shine out for everyone to see, are 20 women who grow vegetables and raise chickens together and use any profit to help each other.

“I think the chickens will be helpful because they don’t depend on the pastures and the water like the livestock,” explains Khera. “Their food is within the environment and you can get it from town to provide for their needs. They can produce a lot of eggs which will help our growth. The money we get from selling eggs can be used to start another, different business for the group.”

We give thanks today for the life-giving water to which we have such easy access, and we pray that all people may have safe water to meet their needs.


Living God, pour out your Spirit upon us all and lead us to new life in you. Satisfy our thirst for a better world and grant that all your people may have the safe water they need to flourish and rejoice in your creation. Amen.


Use our prayers on the theme of water to enrich your prayer life today.

Prayers for water

Prayers for water

Water is essential for life. Pray with us that all people may have access to the water that they need to flourish.

Water family prayer ideas

Water family prayer ideas

With these family prayer ideas for children of all ages, we thank God for the gift of water, reflect on water in the Bible and pray for those who long for clean water.