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Lent calendar 12 March

CAFOD supporters called for world leaders to commit to urgent action on the climate crisis

The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgement with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.

Luke 11:32

When Jonah preaches of the need for repentance in Nineveh, the people listen. They fast and put on sackcloth, “from the greatest of them to the least of them”.

Jesus, however, condemns his generation, finding many people are unwilling to heed his message. They ask for a sign instead, unwilling to believe without proof.

Reflecting on our own lives, are we like the people of Nineveh, ready to listen and to take action? Or, while we might know deep down what we should do, are we still waiting for a sign that this is really our path?

We know that so many challenges facing our world today cannot be solved by individual actions. While we all share personal responsibility, we need change at every level of society, just like in Nineveh.

As Pope Francis writes in Dilexit Nos, “We are called to build a new civilisation of love… Amid the devastation wrought by evil, the heart of Christ desires that we cooperate with him in restoring goodness and beauty to our world.” (#182)

All of us can try then, to make a change and play our own part in bringing about a better world. We also call on our leaders and those with power to live differently. We pray that they may be moved to seek peace, restore goodness and help bring about a civilisation of love.


God of mercy, inspire all who are powerful to make a change, seek the good of all, build peace and care for the earth, our common home. Guide us as we too play our part and live our lives in your love. Amen.


Find out about how we at CAFOD campaign for change. Get involved as we work together with our brothers and sisters around the world, to tackle climate change, defend human rights, cancel unjust debts and build a fairer food system.

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