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Lent calendar 14 March

Young people at FLAME 2023, a Catholic youth conference.

How can you believe, since you look to one another for approval and are not concerned with the approval that comes from the one God?

John 5:44

In the first reading today, the people turn away from God and construct an idol, a metal calf, which they hold up in worship.

In the gospel, Jesus berates the people for having no love of God. For being more concerned with the approval of others than that of God.

It is easy, we are being told in these readings, to get distracted and to lose our way. To put our faith into things that we can see or touch, rather than trusting in God’s love for us.

Throughout history, humanity has idolised wealth, power, and beauty. We have sought to dominate nature and one another rather than seeking to live as God has called us.

Pope Francis sent out a strong letter on the climate crisis last year, entitled Laudate Deum, Praise God. In it, he decries the irreversible damage already done to our earth as a consequence of the thirst for power and profit.

He finishes his message by saying: “‘Praise God’ is the title of this letter. For when human beings claim to take God’s place, they become their own worst enemies.” (#73)

This Lent, let us recognise our own limits and praise God for all that he has done for us. Let us try to rid ourselves of our idols, whatever they may be, and turn our attention back to God. Let us live our lives as he calls us to: caring for and protecting the world around us.


O God we praise you, for the world sings of your infinite love. Strengthen our faith as we turn back to you this Lent. Lead us to live as you call us to, with love for all your creation. Amen.


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Laudate Deum FAQs

Our Q&A explains some of the context and key messages in Laudate Deum.