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Lent calendar 16 March

A cloud overshadows the land

...a cloud came and overshadowed them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud.

Luke 9:34

The unknown can be frightening. The disciples here don’t know how to respond to what is happening and Peter seems to say the first thing that comes into his head – he doesn’t really understand what he’s saying. Peter, James and John are afraid. But then they hear a voice speaking from the cloud, bringing both certainty and joy into their hearts: “This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to him!”

Lokho, a single mum in northern Kenya, must have been afraid as she tried to live through so many years of drought. It was hard to feed her children. She and her family had already survived long years without rain and were about to sell their livestock to keep going until the rains came. Fortunately, Lokho had supportive neighbours who were willing to help.

We can sometimes feel anxious and afraid, especially when we face uncertainty and doubt. But we know we can put our trust in God, who brings joy into our hearts. “This is my Son, my Chosen One;” he says, “listen to him!”

Can we also be good neighbours, supporting each other as a community, just like Lokho’s neighbours support her when times are hard?


God of joy, we ask you to grant us the courage to trust and to love. May we feel strong in the face of uncertainty, and always be ready to support our neighbour when times are hard. Amen.


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