Father Vitaliy Novak from Ukraine reflects on what brings him hope
“Seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.”
“Hope does not disappoint,” says St Paul to the Romans (Rom 5:5). His words are quoted by Pope Francis in the document announcing the Jubilee of 2025. He tells us that during this Holy Year, “We are called to be tangible signs of hope for those of our brothers and sisters who experience hardships of any kind.” (Spes non confundit, #10)
What can we do to become “tangible signs of hope” during the Jubilee Year? “The first sign of hope should be the desire for peace in our world,” answers Pope Francis.
Fr Vitaliy Novak is the former Chair of DePaul International, a charity in Ukraine. Despite living and working in an extremely challenging situation, he found time to reflect on what brings him hope:
“Volunteers are those who bring hope... a volunteer is first of all a person who goes out of his own comfort, to make comfort for others, who goes out from his own love to bring love to others, especially in the situations which are the hardest, which are the most painful.”
During this Holy Year, may we continue to seek justice and to be builders of peace.
Lord, grant that we might be filled with the power of hope, even amidst the destruction and violence of war. May we seek to be bringers of peace, comfort and love, especially in painful and difficult situations. Amen.
Find out more about the Jubilee Year, Pilgrims of Hope, and how you can be a sign of hope in our world.