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2 April

A group of farmers in Kenya showcase the indigenous seed varieties which they have harvested

The Lord is kind and full of compassion, slow to anger, abounding in love. How good is the Lord to all, compassionate to all his creatures.

Psalm 144:8-9

At this point in Lent, it can sometimes be difficult to hold onto the enthusiasm with which we started the season. We may have waned in the commitments we made to prayer or to fasting. Ash Wednesday was almost a month ago, and yet somehow there are still more than two weeks to Easter.

But today we hear how God is full of compassion, good to us all. The psalm continues, telling us, “The Lord supports all who fall and raises all who are bowed down.”

We all have burdens to bear. We all make mistakes. We all need help sometimes. If we call, God will be close to us. God will treat us fairly, with love and compassion. God never leaves us, even if we do not always feel aware of his presence. As Jesus says in today’s gospel, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.” (Jn 5:17)

So let us make time to place ourselves before God. As we seek God’s compassion and love, to strengthen us in our own difficulties, let us also be filled with love for others near and far. Can we model God’s goodness to all people and compassion to all creatures in our own lives, particularly in this Jubilee Year?

Today, we consider how we can recommit ourselves to our own Lenten challenge, drawing ever closer to God, and sharing the hope of God’s compassion with all around us who need support.


God of compassion and love, hear our prayer as we turn to you. Raise us up in all our difficulties and work through us, so that others may know you are near. Amen.


Watch a video message from Bishop Stephen Wright that reflects on the importance of hope and compassion in this Jubilee Year.