Voices of Change
Join us on the CAFOD podcast as we celebrate the voices that inspire hope and positive change.
Wakera (right) supports Lokho and her community to learn new skills and earn a living
“And they took him and threw him into a pit. The pit was empty; there was no water in it. Then they sat down to eat. ”
It’s hard to imagine the levels of jealousy and rage that Joseph’s brothers had reached when they decided to get rid of him – by killing him, abandoning him in a pit or eventually selling him to a group of passing traders. But perhaps it’s even harder to realise that they were completely indifferent to his fate. Once they had thrown him into an empty pit, they just sat down and ate.
Also in Genesis we hear the story of Cain and Abel, where Cain kills Abel and is then – at least seemingly – indifferent. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” he shrugs. (Gen 4:9)
As Pope Francis reflects, “By the very question he asks, God leaves no room for an appeal to determinism or fatalism as a justification for our own indifference. Instead, he encourages us to create a different culture, in which we resolve our conflicts and care for one another.” (Fratelli Tutti, #57)
Pope Francis asks us to oppose a growing culture of indifference to others by creating a culture of encounter.
Lokho, who was born in the town of Marsabit, Kenya, but now lives in a more isolated spot, knows from experience how important the support of other people is.
“Before the long drought,” she says, “people used to have plenty of food, meat and milk, but now – since everybody is equal and they don’t possess anything – now, we develop a kind of mercy: tender hearts that encourage the value of sharing to survive.”
Loving God, we ask that our hearts may be open to the difficulties and challenges faced by our family, friends and neighbours. May we not turn away but draw near; may we not be indifferent, but warm; and may our hearts be tender and merciful. Amen.
Encounter others as you listen to their perspectives in our podcast Voices of Change.
Join us on the CAFOD podcast as we celebrate the voices that inspire hope and positive change.