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Lent calendar 27 March

The Glitter Group in Kenya have a slogan which is “Unity is strength”

Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.

Luke 11:17

In today’s gospel, the source of Jesus’ healing power is questioned, and he is even accused of aligning himself with evil. In response, Jesus tells the crowd that a kingdom or a household which is divided is heading for ruin. He cannot be using the power of evil to heal.

We know the power of unity. Khera lives in Kenya, with her husband and six children. She comes from a community of pastoralists who traditionally support themselves by looking after livestock. However, a long drought killed their animals and left the family struggling for enough water and food to live.

Khera joined with other determined women in the area to form the Glitter Group, named for their desire to shine out and be seen. With the help of Caritas, the group have planted vegetables and started to raise chickens. Speaking of her community Khera says:

“There is no strength in dis-unity. There’s no love in hatred. It is better if we love one another and live in harmony and uphold the spirit of oneness as a source of community. This is the spirit we have inherited from our forefathers. We have a slogan which says: Unity is strength. Let’s pull together to inspire; let’s pull together to be strong.”

This Lent let’s try to follow Khera’s example and seek to live in unity as one human family.


God of all, help us to be united as one family, ready to do what you want us to do. Guide us to live in harmony, to love one another and to find our strength in working together for change. Amen.


When we come together, we can make a real difference. A better world needs all of us. Find out the progress that has happened since Jubilee 2000 in this video.