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5 April

CAFOD supporters joined calls for world leaders to commit to urgent action on the climate crisis

God is the shield who protects me, who saves the upright of heart.

Psalm 7:10

It can be dangerous to speak up and make our voice heard. The prophet Jeremiah in today’s first reading has been warned that people are scheming against him, seeking to put him to death.

In the gospel, the chief priests and the Pharisees wish to arrest Jesus, as more and more people come to believe in him. But Nicodemus bravely speaks up to defend him, saying that he should get a fair hearing.

Around the world, many people are imprisoned, persecuted or killed for speaking out about what they believe in, or for standing up for their rights.

We all have times in our lives when we are called to speak out. This can be challenging, perhaps even frightening. But the Psalm today reminds us that when we do raise our voices in a just cause, God is alongside us. God is our strength and our shield who protects us as we do what is right.

Reassured by this, do we have the courage to speak out, like Nicodemus, when others are being treated unfairly, disregarded or marginalised? Can we speak truth to power and lend our voices to amplify others who do the same?


God, our shield, protect us as we speak out against injustice in our world. Through your grace, may our words and actions bring about a real and lasting change and a fairer world for all your people. Amen.


Catholics across the world are calling for change to the debt system. Add your voice to theirs.

Call for debt justice

Call for debt justice

Add your name to our call for world leaders to take action on the global debt crisis.