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8 April

Lokho (left) and her friend work together in their community garden

So they said to him, ‘Who are you?’

John 8:25

We are not alone. Christ is close to us. Even, or perhaps especially, when we struggle to understand, and we find things difficult or challenging, he is there with us.

We too might ask him, “Who are you?” especially in times of doubt. But he is always there, looking at us gently and listening to us with love.

Pope Francis puts it like this, “Even now, the Lord says to us, ‘I have called you friends’ (Jn 15:15). His open heart has gone before us and waits for us, unconditionally, asking only to offer us his love and friendship.” (Dilexit Nos, #1)

Perhaps in prayer we could focus on this marvellous offer of love and friendship. As St Teresa of Avila says, “Prayer is a friendly conversation with the one we know loves us.” How could we best respond to this offer of love and friendship? What does it mean to be in friendly conversation with the one we know loves us?

At times we might be afraid, anxious or lonely. It might seem difficult to root ourselves or set ourselves intentionally on a course of action. But this Holy Year, as we strive to become Pilgrims of Hope, is it not possible for us to open ourselves to love and follow the true intention of our hearts?

Let us ask ourselves the same question that the disciples asked themselves when they reach Emmaus, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road?” (Lk 24:32)


Gentle Lord, in times of doubt and difficulty, may we open our hearts to your love. When we are anxious, afraid or lonely, grant us the grace to know we are not alone, that you are always alongside us, gently showing us the way of hope. Amen.


Pray with us in this Jubilee year.