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Mary of the Magnificat

CAFOD Icon Mary of the Magnificat: Mother of the poor

May is traditionally dedicated to Mary, Mother of God. During this month we honour Mary and seek her prayers for the world.

For all those who have no peace, let us invoke Mary, the woman who brought into the world the Prince of Peace.

Pope Francis

We pray especially for the people of Sudan as they face conflict and hunger at this time. Join us in praying these luminous mysteries of the rosary as we pray that the light of Jesus may be felt by our sisters and brothers in Sudan, and asking Mary to be beside us as we act in solidarity with those fleeing violence and facing famine. 

Marian prayer resources

Pray the rosary

Pray the rosary

Pray the rosary with your family, group or at home and use our resources to guide your reflections.

Hail Mary, Mother of Mercy

Hail Mary, Mother of Mercy

A prayer inspired by the Salve Regina, asking Our Lady to help us to look with wisdom on the earth, our common home.

Full of grace

Full of grace

Inspired by Mary, full of grace, we pray for courage, strength and persistence.

Mary, Queen of creation

Mary, Queen of creation

A PowerPoint reflection taken from the closing passage of Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si'.

Answering God's call

Answering God's call

We celebrate the example of Mary and all women who have answered God's call. We ask Mary's intercession to help us bring about a better world.

Our Heavenly Queen

Our Heavenly Queen

We pray for the intercession of Our Lady whose loving arms embrace those who are poor.