Compassionate God,
We hold in your presence the people of Afghanistan.
Be a shelter for those who have been displaced.
Be a comforter for those who are mourning.
Be the peace for those who are afraid,
Be near to those who are hungry.
Be healing for those who are sick.
Be the strength of those working to bring hope.
Open our eyes and hearts,
so we may stand in solidarity,
and reach out in love,
to our brothers and sisters.
May they know they are not forgotten
and that we hold them in our hearts
whilst they search for the path to peace.
Caroline Stanton/CAFOD

Afghanistan Crisis Appeal
Afghanistan was hit with another powerful earthquake on 7 October. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake and the subsequent aftershocks have devastated at least 12 villages in western Afghanistan, killing over 2,000 people and injuring thousands more.
The worst-affected communities are remote and consist of mud structures which have been destroyed, resulting in many Afghans finding themselves homeless or unable to access basic needs and rights. Our local partners are currently assessing the needs and preparing to respond as soon as it is safe to do so.