Giver of Life,
Who hears the cries from Yemen;
of mothers choosing between medicine or food,
of parents grieving children lost to starvation,
of those who have given up everything in hunger.
Hear our cries for hope, for change, for peace.
In your mercy,
break political deadlocks,
soften hardened hearts,
change closed minds,
open unhearing ears.
Let people come before power.
Let life be holy again.
Let your justice and peace
shape the nation of Yemen
and the lives of all people.

Yemen Crisis Appeal
CAFOD's sister agency Caritas Poland is providing humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable people in Yemen. The support focuses on the provision of life-saving emergency medical interventions and essential medicine, and the delivery of hygiene workshops aiming to help prevent the spread of disease.
Your donation could help provide urgent medical care and help distribute essential medicine to vulnerable women, men and children.