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You said: “Let there be”,
And so there was.
Creation awakened.
Reaching towards you,
life sang your praises.
Each seed, each atom
replied to your calling;
each plant, each creature
- knowing, unasking.

You said: “Let them live”,
and so we did.
Creation: abundant,
reaping the harvest,
called to your table.
Each man, each woman
joined in the feasting,
each son, each daughter
- praising, rejoicing.

You said: “Let them share”,
and how we fail.
Creation: unbalanced.
wasting, destroying,
we take from others.
Keeping, withholding,
we fail to notice
each man, each woman
- hungering, weeping.

We say: “Let us learn”,
and so we must.
Creation: restored.
Giving and taking:
to each life sufficient.
Each to another,
filled with your bounty
each prayer, each answer
- Building, remaking.

Prayer: Claud Mba/CAFOD

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All our prayers on this theme