Sunset over Lake Kariba.
Friday after Ascension
Today we pray for the grace to act as God does towards creation with caring, compassion and justice.
Opening prayer
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth.
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, and God's spirit hovered over the water.” (Genesis 1:1-2)
The first image we encounter in the Bible is this beautiful picture of the spirit of God moving over the surface of the waters at the dawn of creation. Everything that follows in the scriptures is set in the context of the goodness of creation and our call to care for our common home.
This call is especially urgent today in the light of the climate emergency. Let’s pray today that God’s nurturing spirit will challenge and strengthen us to make profound changes in our lifestyle. Changes that will prevent further damage to our environment and restore creation for the common good.
To ponder today
What changes can I make to better care for the gift of creation?
Come Holy Spirit,
blow away division and despair.
Light your flame of courage and hope in us
and warm our hearts with wisdom and love.
Be our Helper, as we seek your ways of justice.
Be our Comforter, as we share your peace with our wounded world.
Be our Advocate, as we call for the fullness of life for all. Amen.
Commit now to being involved in this year’s Great Big Green Week and make a swap to help care for our common home and our global family, while also urging our political leaders to do the same.