We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you,
because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
Jesus stands silent and composed as the crowd calls for his death. Pilate finds no guilt in Jesus, yet he is still condemned.
In our world today many are condemned to lives of hardship and poverty. James is a fisherman in Liberia who faces perilous conditions when he goes out to sea to earn a living for himself and his family. The fishermen risk their lives in small boats, and often face dangerous storms.
Until recently around four to five fishermen were dying a month in Liberia. It was a regular occurrence.
Do we wash our hands of our brothers and sisters or do we respond in some way?
Jesus, you know what it means to stand alone
in front of those who reject you
and don't understand you.
Walk with us
when we feel that we can't make a difference,
help us to keep going.
Teach us to share your love.
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