Lokho collects water from the waterpan near her village. She worries about what will happen if such a long drought comes again.
“For nothing will be impossible with God.”
We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you,
because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
Jesus falls a third and final time. He must surely now be completely drained, and yet he finds the strength to rise and continue on his path to Calvary.
Sometimes we may feel overwhelmed by difficulties: illness, caring responsibilities, loneliness, anxiety, our own moments of weakness and failure. Sometimes the challenges facing us and our global family – hunger, climate change, poverty and injustice – can feel overwhelming, impossible to address.
Love gave Jesus the strength to stand again and continue onwards. We pray for ourselves, and for all those who need strength and courage, that in the face of our struggles, Christ’s love will urge us on.
Jesus, you felt the darkness around you,
the crowds surrounded you.
You fell once more.
Walk with us.
When we lose hope, when everything is just too difficult,
show us how to reach out to each other and hold hands,
so that none of us have to do everything on our own.
Help us to know that you walk alongside us even when we feel most alone.

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