At this time of conflict in Ukraine, we invite you to include some of the following prayers within your own parish intercessions.
We pray for all those caught up in violence, remembering especially the people of Ukraine; that in this time of fear and conflict, they may know God’s presence and peace. Lord in your mercy…
We pray for the Church: that in this time of crisis, she may speak words of truth and justice, act with compassion and be a sign of Christ’s love for all those who are suffering. Lord in your mercy…
We pray for world leaders, that guided by integrity and wisdom, they may work together so that peace may flourish. Lord in your mercy…
We pray for all those suffering from hunger as a result of conflict and injustice, in countries such as Sierra Leone, Afghanistan and Ethiopia. Lord in your mercy….
We pray for our parish and our local community: that we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need. Lord in your mercy…

Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal
With your help, we can keep supporting the increasing number of families who are in desperate need.
Your donations will help local experts in Ukraine to keep providing:
shelter and clothing