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A new prayer of intercession every week. Use these bidding prayers in your parish at Mass or in your own personal prayer.

9 March

As we recall Jesus time in the desert, we pray for all those who face difficult living conditions in our world today that they may know the joy of God's presence and find strength and support as they work towards their hopes for the future. Lord, in your mercy...

2 March

We pray for Pope Francis; may God’s healing love touch and strengthen him. Lord, in your mercy...

23 February

We pray for the Church. May all Christians be slow to condemn, quick to forgive and generous in responding with compassion to those in need. Lord, in your mercy...

16 February

We pray for all who suffer injustice or discrimination on the grounds of their race, language, or culture. May the dignity of all people be upheld and the whole human family united in bonds of love. Lord, in your mercy...

9 February

We pray victims of violence and war, remembering especially the people of Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. May the ways of reconciliation, justice and peace prevail. Lord, in your mercy...

2 February

We pray for all nations. May the light of Christ renew our world in hope, establishing justice and bringing people together in solidarity and peace. Lord, in your mercy...

26 January

We pray for the Church; that, nourished by and faithful to God's Word, all Christians may witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Lord, in your mercy....

19 January

We pray for an end to violence; that God will turn hearts towards peace and guide all who are working for justice and reconciliation. Lord, in your mercy...

12 January

We pray for our community; that God may pour out his Spirit on us, renewing the grace of our baptism, so that our words and actions may always witness to Jesus. Lord, in your mercy...

5 January

We pray for the Church; as we begin this Jubilee Year, may our hearts be filled with hope and our eyes fixed on Jesus, our guiding light. Lord, in your mercy...

29 December

We pray for migrants and refugees; that they may find places of welcome and safety. Lord, in your mercy...

22 December

We pray for reconciliation and healing in our world of conflict, and especially for the people of the Middle East. May the ways of peace and justice prevail. Lord, in your mercy...

15 December

We pray for our community; that we be overflowing with generosity and compassion and always witness to Christ with joy. Lord, in your mercy...

8 December

We pray for world leaders; that they may act with integrity and commitment to the common good so all people walk in ways of peace and justice. Lord in your mercy...

1 December

We pray for all Christians; that as we await the Lord’s return in glory, we may grow ever more ready to meet him, living lives filled with love, hope and faith. Lord, in your mercy.... 

24 November

We pray for our world; that Christ, the Prince of Peace and King of Love, may turn hearts from violence and open new opportunities for encounter and understanding. Lord, in your mercy....

17 November

We pray for all the communities across the world affected by natural disasters. May God give them strength and hope and may they receive the practical help they need. Lord, in your mercy...

10 November

We pray for world leaders at the COP29 climate summit: that they may all work together, through the decisions taken, to protect the planet and all who live in it. Lord, in your mercy...

More COP29 intercessions to use this weekend.

3 November

We pray for those who have died, may they know the peace of God's presence forever and may those who mourn be comforted. Lord, in your mercy...

27 October

We pray for our community; that our eyes may be opened to the presence of Jesus, in the Word of God, in the Eucharist, in each other and in all those in need. Lord, in your mercy...

20 October

We pray for the Church. May the Spirit be with all those gathered in Rome for the Synod and may the process renew the Church as she shares the good news of God's love with the world. Lord, in your mercy....

13 October

We pray for the people of the Middle East, and all those parts of the world suffering from conflict and violence. May the ways of reconciliation, justice and peace prevail. Lord, in your mercy...

6 October

We pray for the work of CAFOD and for all who work to bring God's love to others, and we pray for our parish community. May we be grateful for all that we have, willing to share with others and ready to act to challenge injustice so all people may share in the gifts of the earth. Lord in your mercy...

29 September

We pray for peace and justice throughout the world. May God's kingdom come. Lord in your mercy...

22 September

We pray for our sisters and brothers around the world who face a daily struggle for the necessities of life. May God inspire us to respond to opportunities, such as those offered by CAFOD, to build a a world of justice and peace where all people may flourish. Lord, in your mercy…

15 September

We pray for our community. May the Spirit strengthen us to follow the way of Christ's self-giving love. Lord, in your mercy...

8 September

We pray for world leaders; that they may have the openness to listen to those most affected by climate change and the courage to act urgently and wisely. Lord, in your mercy...

1 September

We pray for the Church; that, in this Season of Creation, God will inspire all Christians to pray and act for the good of our common home. Lord, in your mercy...

25 August

We pray for our parish family, that our faith may ever deepen and we may respond to God's invitation to grow as a community of love. Lord, in your mercy...

18 August

We pray for world leaders, that they might take action to improve the lives of those living in poverty and hunger. May God grant all leaders the wisdom and compassion to restore hope and dignity to all their citizens, leaving no one behind. Lord, in your mercy...

11 August

We pray for all those who do not have enough to eat. May God grant us the gift of compassion, that we might be moved to share our bread with the hungry and work with all our strength to end food poverty. Lord in your mercy...

4 August

We pray for all victims of violence throughout the world. May God strengthen us all to strive to end violence, so the ways of justice and peace may prevail. Lord, in your mercy...

28 July

We pray for our community. May we be grateful for all that we have, willing to share with others and ready to challenge injustice so all people may share in the gifts of the earth. Lord in your mercy...

21 July

We pray for the good news of peace in our world; that violence may end, justice may be established and all people may be reconciled. Lord, in your mercy...

14 July

We pray for the Church; that God will inspire and strengthen all Christians in their mission of proclaiming forgiveness, healing and justice. Lord, in your mercy...

7 July

We pray for for world leaders: may they recognise the dignity of all people and always seek the common good. Lord, in your mercy...

30 June

We pray for the Church; may all Christians grow in unity and love, faithfully following Jesus as St Peter and St Paul did. Lord, in your mercy...

23 June

We pray for those who escape across the seas from poverty, persecution, violence, and war. May be kept safe upon the waters and find welcome and hope. Lord, in your mercy...

16 June

We pray for our community: may God’s faithful love sustain us in times of discouragement and fill us with generosity and hope so we may help bring about the kingdom of peace and justice. Lord, in your mercy...

9 June

We pray for the leaders of the nations; may they have the will to promote justice and peace so the whole human family may flourish. Lord, in your mercy...

2 June

We pray for all those who are hungry, whether here locally, or throughout the world. May God grant us the gift of compassion, that we might be moved to share our bread with the hungry and work for a world where all can flourish. Lord in your mercy....

26 May

We pray for children and young people around the world; that they may receive the loving care and support they need for their health and well-being, as well as good food, clean water, safe shelter and education. Lord, in your mercy...

19 May

We pray for the Church: that all Christians will be open to the Spirit and share God's hope and healing with the world. Lord, in your mercy...

12 May

We pray for all who are experiencing the terror of war and conflict, particularly those who are forced to flee their homes in fear. May God grant that they find open doors, minds and hearts wherever they seek shelter and peace. Lord, in your mercy...

5 May

We pray for all people who are struggling to get enough food to eat, especially in Sudan where famine is looming: that God may guide us all to share what we can and to work together to ensure no one goes hungry. Lord, in your mercy…

Find more intercessions for Sudan

28 April

We pray for the people of Sudan, as they face conflict and hunger: that through God’s grace and our actions they may know peace and receive the practical support that they need. Lord, in your mercy…

21 April

We pray for the Church; may all Christians learn to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd and respond to God's call in their life, following Jesus' way of love and justice. Lord, in your mercy...

14 April

We pray for world leaders that they might always put the needs of those who are poorest and most vulnerable first. May God grant them the wisdom to make good decisions and seek the wellbeing of all. Lord, in your mercy...

7 April

We pray for all who live surrounded by conflict, war and lasting injustice; may the barriers which keep us apart be broken and may all people become committed to work for peace. Lord, in your mercy…

31 March

We pray for the church throughout the world. May all Christians experience the joy of the risen Christ and be filled with faith, hope and love. Lord, in your mercy...

24 March

We pray for our community. May we reach out to those who are suffering or in need, following the example of Jesus, who emptied himself to serve others. Lord, in your mercy...

17 March

We pray for the Church. May the seed of the good news yield a harvest of generosity, love and prayer in all who follow Jesus. Lord, in your mercy...

10 March

We pray for God's blessing on mothers and all those who care for others. We pray especially for those who face suffering due to poverty, violence and injustice. Lord, in your mercy...

3 March

We pray for all parts of the world suffering from conflict and violence: may the ways of reconciliation, justice and peace prevail. Lord, in your mercy...

25 February

We pray for everyone who struggles to get enough food to eat. May God guide us all to share what we can and to work together so that everyone may look to the future with hope. Lord, in your mercy...

18 February

We pray for the Church; that, in this time of Lent, all Christians may grow in love for God and neighbour, generously sharing their gifts with others. Lord, in your mercy...

11 February

We pray for those who are sick; that God’s healing love may strengthen them and that they receive companionship, care and practical support. Lord, in your mercy...

4 February

We pray for the victims of human trafficking. May we work with urgency to end this modern slavery and ensure the dignity and rights of all people are recognised and respected. Lord, in your mercy...

28 January

We pray for all people who experience racial injustice or discrimination. May the human family be healed of prejudice, hatred and division, so that we may live in justice and peace. Lord, in your mercy...

21 January

We pray for the Church, and for the unity of all Christians; that God will strengthen our commitment to listen to his Word and strive together for his kingdom of love, justice and peace. Lord, in your mercy...

14 January

We pray for an end to violence, that God will turn hearts towards peace and guide all who are working for reconciliation and justice. Lord, in your mercy..

7 January

We pray for all who live surrounded by conflict, war and lasting injustice; that the barriers which keep us apart may be broken and we each become committed to work for peace. Lord, in your mercy…