Katie's fund
A beloved daughter, sister and aunty, Katie's family have remembered her through their Candlelight fund since she died at just 31 years old from an extremely rare cancer.
Celebrate a life and give hope to thousands more.
A Candlelight Fund is a special fund in memory of a loved one who has died, where all donations made in their memory create a beautiful lasting tribute to them.
This can be a private act of remembrance – donating to mark special moments like your loved one’s birthday or anniversary – or you can invite others to join in too.
There are no targets, deadlines or minimum amounts involved. This is your fund and you can grow it in whatever way feels comfortable.
Read how these families have paid tribute to their loved ones while building a brighter future for our brothers and sisters around the world.
A beloved daughter, sister and aunty, Katie's family have remembered her through their Candlelight fund since she died at just 31 years old from an extremely rare cancer.
Sister Edmund has a Candlelight Fund in memory of her dear siblings Berenice, Faith and Francis.
Kieran's family say that the Candlelight Fund they created for their son has given them strength and a sense of purpose.
Christine and Frank set up a Candlelight Fund in memory of their granddaughter Lily to help give other children the chance of life that Lily never had.
If you have any questions about Candlelight Funds or donating in memory of a loved one, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you very much for thinking of CAFOD as a way to remember someone special.
Please order these envelopes if you are holding a collection in memory of someone special, for example in lieu of flowers at a funeral.
There are many ways to celebrate the life of a loved one by making a donation in their memory.