In 2009, Christine and Frank set up a Candlelight Fund in memory of their granddaughter Lily.
Together with Lily’s parents, Katherine and Ian, they felt that the fund would give other children the chance of life that Lily never had and enable their families to face a future full of hope and fulfilment.
The family have worked tirelessly in Lily’s memory. They’ve run marathons, bought World Gifts, held garden parties and church sales and much more to raise valuable funds for children and communities experiencing poverty.
“Throughout this time, we’ve been overwhelmed by the generosity of our family and friends in donating to the fund," Katherine says.
In 2016 they celebrated the safe arrival of a little boy, Teddy. At his baptism, the family asked for donations instead of presents: “Teddy’s quest to make the world a happier place!”
“Teddy is such a blessing to us. If we could help other families and their babies, this would be the greatest gift we could give to Teddy," Katherine told us.
Together their family and friends raised a wonderful £680 for Lily’s Candlelight Fund. Their gifts will help children and young people experiencing poverty around the world.

Would you like to set up a Candlelight Fund for someone special?
A Candlelight Fund is a special fund in memory of a loved one who has died, where all donations made in their memory are combined to create a beautifully lasting tribute to them.
There are no targets, deadlines or minimum amounts involved. This is your fund and you can grow it in whatever way feels comfortable.